Amy Myers, MD
(Test Project)
Subject: Are you thriving or just hanging on by a thread?
Hi (Name),
I know you’ve probably been there at some point: low on energy, stressed, wired/tired, foggy brained, and maybe even a little cranky. I know the feeling.
You try to eat healthy and get exercise when you can, but in times of high stress, things like nutrition, exercise and self-care often go right out the window.
Sound familiar?
We all have busy lives, and taking consistent care of our own health may not always be the top priority. Everyday stressors, family and work obligations, poor sleep, and little to no time for ourselves are all things that can lead to energy crashes, low immune functioning and a host of other problems.
Even when we do eat healthy, the depletion of soil leaves much to be desired when it comes to our food supply and many of us still lack that we should be able to get from nutrient-dense foods.
Well, what if I told you there’s something that can be a source of extra support to you when you’re feeling low on energy, frazzled, and less like you?
The Myers Way Multivitamin contains bio-available key nutrients we all need like:
● Selenium - for supporting the body’s natural stress response and promoting optimal thyroid functioning
● Iodine - also necessary for maintaining a healthy thyroid
● Zinc - important mineral that aids in digestion, metabolism, nerve cell functioning, immune support (and a host of other processes in the body!)
● Vitamins C and E - promote immune functioning, skin health, mental clarity, and act as free radical scavengers
This powerhouse multivitamin is also jam packed with other important nutrients and minerals, and I know we all can use an extra boost to help us get closer to accessing our optimal health!
I want to offer my unwavering support so that you can get back to feeling like the awesome human you really are! I’m throwing in a promo code here just for you for 15% off The Myers Way Multivitamin (good for 48 hours) so you can try it for yourself. I’d also love to get your feedback once you’ve given it a try!
Click here to order now!
Yours in health,
Dr. Myers